Fire extinguishers can be an important tool in preventing a small fire from growing larger. However, they should not be used to combat large or rapidly spreading fires. The most important thing to do during a fire is to get yourself to safety then call the proper authorities to combat the fire. A building and the property inside are not worth putting yourself or anyone at risk trying to put it out with a fire extinguisher. It is important to understand how to use a fire extinguisher and the limitations they have. P.A.S.S. MethodThe easiest way to remember how to use a fire extinguisher is to follow the P.A.S.S. method. The PASS acronym was developed to allow people to remember the basic four steps to properly using a fire extinguisher. P- Pull. Pull the pin. Hold the extinguisher away and release the locking mechanism. A- Aim. Aim the stream towards the base of the fire. Spraying the flames will not put the fire out. S- Squeeze. Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly. Pulling the lever too fast may shoot the stream from your target wasting the valuable firefighting agent. S- Sweep. Sweep the nozzle side to side to combat the fire. Fire Extinguisher Limitations
Fire Extinguisher Inspection Tips
It is important to know more than just where the fire extinguishers are in your work area. Make sure you know how to effectively use them in case the time comes where you need to extinguish a fire. Always make sure the fire extinguishers in your work areas are in good condition through thorough inspections.
If you need any help with training or safety documents about fire extinguishers please check out our website
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I find it fascinating that inspecting your home’s fire extinguisher ensures that it can still protect your home from fire-related threats. I heard that my aunt is planning to build a retirement home once she’s able to pay for her debts. Maybe we should find someone who could do this for her in the future.